Austrian Food Recipes
Taste the flavors of Austria in Apple Strudel, Wiener Schnitzel made from veal, or delicious Tiroler Kaiserschmarrn! In this category, you will find some famous dishes from Austrian cuisine, a European country surrounded by the Alps. In addition to the famous Viennese cuisine, Austria's federal states offer unique regional specialties. Guten Appetit!
Linzer Cookies – Czech Linecké Cukroví
Kaiserschmarrn Recipe (Czech Trhanec)
Easy Puff Pastry Apple Strudel
Pork Schnitzel Recipe (Breaded Cutlets)
Zwetschgenkuchen (German Plum Cake)
Original Austrian Goulash
Zwiebelrostbraten Recipe
Apple Strudel Recipe
Czech Style Wiener Schnitzel (Weinersnitchel) – Vídeňský řízek