Pork Recipes
No other meat has such a long tradition in the Czech Republic as pork! Czechs used to raise pigs and process their meat into tasty dishes: jaternice, blood soup, or headcheese. Try the delicious pork roast or caraway-flavored pork belly bites. When visiting Prague, go for a pork knuckle in one of the local restaurants!
Boiled Ham Hock (Czech Ovar)
Leftover Pork Roast Spread (Czech Recipe)
Pork Liver with Gravy (Onion and Bacon Included)
Crispy Pork Knuckle (Czech Veprove Koleno)
Oven Roasted Pork Loin with Gravy
Oven Roasted Pork Belly Bites
Easy Pork Chops with Gravy (in Oven)
Easy Pork Meatloaf Recipe
Pork Schnitzel Recipe (Breaded Cutlets)
Czech Pork Goulash Recipe
Karbanátek – Czech Beef and Pork Burger
Oven Roasted Pork Shoulder Recipe
Pork Patties – Czech Vepřenky
Slow Roasted Pork Belly – Czech Pečený bůček
Beef and Pork Meatloaf (Czech Sekaná Recipe)
Ground Pork Cheese Schnitzel (Czech Holandský řízek)